Auditions and Casting
Auditions for both Department and student-produced shows generally take place three times throughout the academic year; the first weekend in September, late October/early November, and immediately after the beginning of classes in January. Audition sign-up sheets are posted on the callboards in the back hallway of the Robsham, outside the Theatre Department office.
September auditions determine casts for:
Two Theatre Department productions: one, faculty-directed on the Robsham mainstage and the other, student directed Workshop production in the Bonn Studio.
One student-produced show, produced by the Contemporary Theatre and the Boston College Dramatics Society. This production is performed in the Bonn Studio.
All three shows open on separate weekends in the months of October, November, and December.
November Auditions determine casts for:
Two Theatre Department productions: one, faculty-directed on the and the other, student directed Workshop production. Both will be in the Bonn Studio.
Both productions will be will open in February. Details of the actual schedules are distributed to the actors at auditions.
January auditions determine casts for:
One faculty-directed show produced by the Theatre Department and performed on the Robsham stage
Two student-produced shows, one is produced by Contemporary Theatre, and the other by the Boston College Dramatics Society. Both are performed in the Bonn Studio.
These three shows open in the spring semester on separate weekends.
Please contact for details.
Audition Material
Returning students are typically expected to prepare a two-minute monologue that fits the style of the show for which the student is auditioning. Freshmen and those auditioning for the first time are permitted more latitude and may audition with a monologue from any play. Occasionally, directors may make requests for an activity consistent with the needs of their play as opposed to, or in addition to, a monologue. Musical auditions always require a prepared song in the style of the show (16 to 32 bars of music). Dance auditions may also be required. Specific requirements will be posted in the back hall of the theatre at least one week prior to auditions to enable students to make decisions and preparations. In addition, a pre-audition workshop is held during the first week of each semester.
Callbacks are intended to allow directors to spend time with student actors who are being seriously considered for roles.
Callbacks for all shows are typically held on the Sunday of the weekend of auditions.
Callbacks consist mainly of readings from the script. For musical callbacks, actors may also be required to perform song selections from the show.
In order to insure that students have ample time to attend to their other studies and to permit as many actors as possible to work, students are typically cast in only one production per semester.